...by Daniel Szego
"On a long enough timeline we will all become Satoshi Nakamoto.."
Daniel Szego

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Notes on machine assisted software services

PowerBI, it is awesome,
PowerApps, it is awesome,
Microsoft Teams, it is awesome,

However, actually the next releases will be much better. The next releases will probably have the possibility to create BI reports, Apps and communication best practices in a fully automated way based on artificial intelligence. 
And the idea is basicaly simple, put relative simple quasi freemium service onto the market, train your AI on the data (yes you can do it without actually seeing the data, without having problem with any data protecton regulations) and in two years you can launch the next release of your software fully automated based on machine intelligence trained on a huge amount of industry best practice data.

Welcome to the dawn of the machine assisted report generation and machines assisted software applications.