...by Daniel Szego
"On a long enough timeline we will all become Satoshi Nakamoto.."
Daniel Szego

Saturday, October 6, 2018

How fair is the transaction ordering in Hashgraph

Hashgraph algorithm and Hedera Hashgraph is said to have a fair ordering mechanism that means that the order of the transactions is created with the help of a general consensus, so practically no node can influence the order of the transactions. It is an improved version of a blockchain mining protocol where a miner can very strongly influence the order of the transactions. 

The situation is actually not so cool. The point is that the algorithm guarantees a fair ordering of the events and not directly the transactions. As soon as a transaction is put into an event the fair ordering can be guaranteed however previously the ordering can be gamed. A node that receives transactions from the outside world can choose to include, not include or delay a transaction. It can also game with the ordering of the different transactions by delaying one with a couple of event round comparing with another one. So actually a node that receives the transaction is pretty much a dictator of that transaction, similarly as a miner is a dictator of the transactions put into a block. For such a "game" in the ordering of the transactions the original source code not necessarily should be modified. It is possible to hack the transactions on the operation system or on the network level.

Considering a Byzantine fault tolerant model meaning that at most one third of the nodes can be hacked, fair ordering of transactions can be only guaranteed if the transaction from the customer side is sent to 33% + 1 nodes.