...by Daniel Szego
"On a long enough timeline we will all become Satoshi Nakamoto.."
Daniel Szego

Sunday, September 23, 2018

Creating native decentralized oracle with Hashgraph

Hashgraph provides the possibility to realize a fully decentralized Byzantine native oracle service. Let we imagine that we want to call an external data source in a smart contract function, like

function () {
 state = external_oracle("http://external_datasource/%22)

At event propagation each {N1, N2, ... Nm} node has to call the http://external_datasource/ independently from each other producing a {V1, V2 ... Vm} possibly different values as results for the calls. These values are propagated, voted and ordered by the events together with the transactions. 
As soon as both the transactions and the values are communicated ordered and voted (so practically at applying to the state), we can use the following function to calculate the result of oracle: 

external_oracle calculation:
step1: filter from {V1, V2, .... Vm} the extreme big or small values, like 33% of all of the values
step2: do an average of the non-filtered values
step3: the result of the function is the average

Since at the time of the calculation each node sees exactly the same set of {V2, V2, ...Vm} values and the external_oracler calculation is deterministic, at each state there will be exactly the same value calculated even if they are calculated independently from each other. 

Since the communication architecture (Hashgraph) is Byzantine fault tolerant, probably the Oracle itself will be probably Byzantine fault tolerant as well (might require some more considerations)

The algorithm can be cryptoeconomically further secured, like giving a bigger transaction fee for nodes producing values that are less far for the end result of the external_oracle calculation function (providing a Schelling point from a game theoretical point of view).

Demo implementation can found in the following github repository.