One of the idea of Hyperledger Fabric Composer is to have a domain specific language to model complex assets. Besides properties of an asset, connections or relations between assets can be defined as well. Like considering the following example:
asset TestAsset identified by primaryKey{
o String primaryKey
o String property1
o String property2
--> RelatedAsset relatedAsset
asset RelatedAsset{
The structure can be translated into several smart-contracts that reference to each other like in the following example:
contract RelatedAsset{
contract TestAsset{
string primaryKey;
string property1;
string property2;
RelatedAsset public relatedAsset;
function setRelatedAsset(RelatedAsset _relatedAsset) {
relatedAsset = _relatedAsset;
Certainly it is an open question how these contracts are created. On way is that there is an external factory contract that creates and administrates such a creation and calls only the setRelatedAsset function. Another way might be that the contracts realize the CRUD (Create Read Update Delete) operations on their own.
A totally different way might be to use structs instead of contracts which makes things certainly much cheaper from a gas consumption perspective, however all CRUD operations must be handled externally.
contract Factory{
struct RelatedAsset{
struct TestAsset{
string primaryKey;
string property1;
string property2;
RelatedAsset relatedAsset;