...by Daniel Szego
"On a long enough timeline we will all become Satoshi Nakamoto.."
Daniel Szego

Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Solidity Tips and Tricks - running optimization

Let we imagine the situation that we have to implement a smart contract that needs to have some kind of an external optimization after every call of business logic, like optimizing an IOU graph. What we can do is to set a bool variable and two modifiers indicated if our data structure is optimized or not. If the data structure is optimized we can call any kind of a business logic. If it  is not optimized we should be able to call only the OptimizationLogic function. Certainly, access control rights and roles of such a system are pretty much questionable and need some more fine tuning. 

contract Optimization {
    bool optimized;
    constructor() {
        optimized = true;
    modifier Optimized {

    modifier NotOptimized {
        require(optimized == false);
    function BusinessLogic() Optimized {
        // doing business business logic
        optimized = false;

    function OptimizationLogic() NotOptimized {
        // doing optimization logic
        optimized = true;