...by Daniel Szego
"On a long enough timeline we will all become Satoshi Nakamoto.."
Daniel Szego

Sunday, August 12, 2018

How to implement a Blockchain from scratch - extended wrapper classes

At designing at implementing a blockchain system from scratch, there might be some contradictory design perspectives: on the one hand elements of the blockchain that are stored or transported on the network must require as less storage as possible, resulting in lower bandwidth or data storage requirements. On the other hand for efficient processing, some further information is usually required. Examples are: 
- Blocks in a basic scenario should store the difficulty, the nonce and the a hash value of the these values values together with the merkle roots of the transactions and state and the previous block hash as well. 
- Blocks in an extended scenario might contain explicitly a link for the previous block, for the further, some information if it is an orphans block or on the block height.
- Accounts in a basic scenario should contain an address of an account, which is usually a public key, and some kind of a change request, like transferring money, or changing a value. On top, certainly a nonce value.
- Accounts in an advanced scenario are related rather to the accounts of a certain wallet, so they might contain explicitly the private key and meta-information if the account is synchronized with the blockchain, or still not available in the blockchain.

There might be a similar consideration for other elements of the blockchain as well, like Block Headers, Transactions or Peers. Practically every object that is moved on the network can be considered as implemented as a basic version containing only the relevant data, and as an extended version containing all the computational relevant data.