...by Daniel Szego
"On a long enough timeline we will all become Satoshi Nakamoto.."
Daniel Szego

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

How to implement a Blockchain from scratch - gossip protocol

Blockchain protocols have several different ways of communication, there are gossip and non-gossip based ones. The beginning of the network communication is usually a non-blockchain based one, a peer connects to several neighboring peers, checks versions of the peers and queries further peer information if it is required. Similarly, synchronizing the blockchain is not a gossip protocol either: the peer queries the neighbors for the latest block number and based on an inventory query it will synchronize the whole blockchain. Blocks and transactions are propagated with the help of a gossip protocol. The logic is something similar: 

- If the node initiates a new valid transaction, the transaction is added to the transaction pool and propagated to all neighbouring peers. 

- If a node receives a transaction, first the validity of the transaction has to be validated. If the transaction is valid, it has to be checked if the transaction is already somewhere mined in the blockchain or in the transaction pool. If so nothing has to be done. If not, the transaction has to be added to the transaction pool and the transaction has to be propagated to the connecting peers except from the one from that we got it. 

- If a miner mined a new block, the block has to be propagated to the network, and the local wallet has be updated based on the new block information. 

- If a node gets a block on the network, first the validity of the block has to be checked. It might be a little bit difficult, because it might still not in the blockchain. Therefore there should be an explicite set containing stale blocks that still can be not added to the blockchain. A new block is valid if it can be added directly to the blockchain, or there is already a stale block in the pool and the two blocks can be added to the blockchain. If it can not be added to the chain, it should be saved in the stale blocks pool. If the block is already in the blockchain or in the stale blocks pool, there should not be propagated further. Otherwise the block must be propagated to the neighboring peers. 

To avoid network overload, it is possible to use only the block and transaction id-s in the gossip, flooding process and getting the content of the data only if it is necessary.